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BSc.CSIT Introduction to Information Technology C Programming Digital Logic Mathematics I (Calculus) Physics Discrete Structures Object Oriented Programming Microprocessor Statistics I Mathematics II Data Structures and Algorithms Numerical Method Computer Architecture Computer Graphics Statistics II Theory of Computation Computer Networks Operating Systems Database Management System Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Computing Web Technology System Analysis and Design Wireless Networking Microprocessor Based Design Society and Ethics in Information Technology Knowledge Management Design and Analysis of Algorithms Simulation and Modelling Image Processing Cryptography Software Engineering Compiler Design and Construction E-Governance NET Centric Computing Technical Writing Applied Logic E-commerce Automation and Robotics Neural Networks Computer Hardware Design Cognitive Science Advanced Java Programming Data Warehousing and Data Mining Principles of Management Project Work Information Retrieval Database Administration Software Project Management Network Security Digital System Design Network and System Administration International Marketing Advanced Database Internship Advanced Networking with IPv6 Distributed Networking Game Technology Distributed and Object Oriented Database Introduction to Cloud Computing Geographical Information System Decision Support System and Expert System Mobile Application Development Embedded Systems Programming International Business Management

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

Overview of structured programming approach Object oriented programming approach Characteristics of object oriented languages

Basics of C++ programming

C++ Program Structure Character Set and Tokens Data Type Type Conversion Preprocessor Directives Namespace Input/Output Streams and Manipulators Dynamic Memory Allocation with new and delete Control Statements Functions: Function Overloading, Inline Functions, Default Argument, Pass by Reference, Return by Reference, Scope and Storage Class Pointers: Pointer variables declaration & initialization, Operators in pointers, Pointers and Arrays, Pointer and Function

Classes & Objects

A Simple Class and Object Accessing members of class Initialization of class objects: (Constructor, Destructor) Default Constructor, Parameterized Constructor, Copy Constructor, The Default Copy Constructor Objects as Function Arguments, Returning Objects from Functions Structures and Classes, Memory allocation for Objects Static members, Member functions defined outside the class

Operator Overloading

Fundamental of operator overloading Restriction on operator overloading Operator functions as a class members Overloading unary and binary operator Data Conversion (basic to basic, basic to user-defined, user-defined to basic, user-defined to user-defined)


Introduction to inheritance Derived Class and Base Class Access Specifiers (private, protected, and public) Types of inheritance Public and Private Inheritance Constructor and Destructor in derived classes Aggregation

Virtual Function, Polymorphism, and miscellaneous C++ Features

Concept of Virtual functions Late Binding Abstract class and pure virtual functions Virtual Destructors Virtual base class Friend function and Static function Assignment and copy initialization Copy constructor This pointer Concrete classes Polymorphism and its roles

Function Templates and Exception Handling

Function templates Function templates with multiple arguments Class templates Templates and inheritance Exceptional Handling (Try, throw and catch) Use of exceptional handling

File handling

Stream Class Hierarchy for Console Input /Output Unformatted Input /Output Formatted Input /Output with ios Member functions Formatting with Manipulators Stream Operator Overloading File Input/output with Streams Opening and Closing files Read/Write from File File Access Pointers and their Manipulators Sequential and Random Access to File Testing Errors during File Operations

Object OrientedProgramming

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A computer is an electronic device that accepts data as input, processes it, and produces meaningful output as a result.

A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory, that can accept data, process the data according to specified rules, produce results, and store the results for future use.

Digital and Analog Computers

Digital Computer

A digital computer operates using binary digits (0s and 1s) to process data through mathematical and logical operations. It's a versatile tool utilized across diverse fields for tasks ranging from basic calculations to complex simulations and data analysis. Example of these computers are IBMPC, Apple/Macintosh etc.

Analog Computer

An analog computer operates on continuous data like length or voltage, using continuous signals. Unlike digital computers, it doesn't rely on exact values but approximations. Widely used in scientific and industrial fields, they excel in solving differential equations and represent physical quantities through waves. Examples include the speedometer, thermometer, barometer, lactometer, and seismograph.

Difference between analog and digital computer

Analog computer Digital computer
These computers work with physical values such as temperature, pressure, etc. These Computers work with binary digits (0s, 1s)
These computers are based on continuous data. These computers are based on discrete data.
It has very low accuracy. It has high accuracy.
Based on similarity measurement principle. Based on counting principle.
They are faster than digital computers. Slower than analog computers.
It has no or limited storage capacity. It has high storage capacity.
It does a single-purpose job. It does a multi-purpose job.
No possibility of reprogramming. It can be reprogrammed.
The cost is low and portable. The cost is high and not easily portable.
Analog signal processing can be done in real time and consumes less bandwidth. There is no guarantee that digital signal processing can be done in real time and consumes more bandwidth to carry out the same information.

HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages.

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>

<h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

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Add a "tooltip" to the paragraph below with the text "About W3Schools".

<p ="About W3Schools">W3Schools is a web developer's site.</p>

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